Your RV comes with plenty of great features that make it a comfortable and safe respite on the road. But you can always add improvements to your camper! There are several accessories worth getting that will make your RV easier to use. Here are just a few options.

Kitchen Items

You don’t have a lot of space in your RV’s kitchen, so it’s important to invest in items that can store easily and compactly. Collapsible bowls and stacking dish sets are great choices, especially if they’re plastic (since it’s less likely to break).

Versatility is the name of the game when it comes to cooking in your RV, which is why a cast-iron pan and a slow cooker are both great investments. Each of these items can cook dozens of different types of food quickly and evenly. For outside cooking, a small portable grill can make preparing meats and other items easier.

Water & Power Regulators

The water and power hook-ups at RV campgrounds can be notoriously spotty, with low water pressure and brownouts due to overuse. Save your systems by installing both a water-pressure regulator and a surge protector. This way, your shower won’t trickle or blast you with water and your electronics won’t be destroyed by a campground blackout.

Looking to buy a new RV in British Columbia? Stop by our location in Kamloops to check out our selection of new and used RVs for sale. We also provide RV financing services. Jubilee R.V. Centre serves our customers in greater Vancouver and Prince George, BC.